Welcome to the home of the original Milksafe! (established in 2000)
Keep your milk deliveries safe in a Milksafe. A Milksafe is a purpose made milk bottle holder to protect and guard against cats, birds, frost and the heat of the summer sun. A proper box does all that, compared to a simple basket or wire bottle holder. Think box, not basket or wire holder.
The optional lock will also deter thieves.Buy now
Use Order online in the menu above to price your own specification Milksafe, or contact us for a custom design. Our secure online store accepts most credit cards and takes cheque orders too.
Milksafes are a convenient store for milk bottles, when they are either full or empty.
Milksafes hold 2, 4 (standard size) or 8 glass bottles or cartons. Some are made for plastic milk bottles. We'll make custom sizes too - please enquire.
Many sizes and optional features
We have a selection of sizes available to order now. Other custom sizes can be made to order – please ask.
We manufacture lockable and wall hung Milksafes and have also introduced our Milkman Friendly version: a box for the milk, with a shelf for the empties. Your Milkman can then put the bottles in the box and grab the empties, all in one smooth motionSolid Construction
A Milksafe body is constructed in 9mm, long lasting birch plywood (grade B or S, often specified for boats). This has excellent weather resistance and is designed to last.
The "feet" are made from 9mm thick recycled plastic, truly robust and rot resistant.
The lid is covered with premium grade EPDM rubber designed to survive all weathers for many years, with stainless steel staples and is fixed with 2 brass hinges. The weight of the lid is enough to protect the milk bottles from prying birds and animals.
The lockable Milksafe is left unlocked until loaded, then with a twist of the lock it will lock fast. The householder then opens it again with a key.
The Wall hung model is held securely by two screws e.g. into brick.Standard internal dimensions (approx.)
Side to side: 325mm
Front to back: 97mm
Larger sizes are available: if you don't find a size to suit your needs please ask.
Prices from…
Standard 4 bottle Milksafe (wall hung option):
Untreated £71.99
Treated £79.18
Lockable + £13.79
N.B. The inside of your Milksafe will also be treated. Photos show treated models.
The optional lock offers protection against larger animals (foxes, etc) and also deters theft. The genuinely high quality lock is supplied with two keys. The milkman does not need a key - he/she just twists the lock body. To collect your milk bring out your key to reopen it. Then simply leave the Milksafe open for the next delivery.
Freestanding or Wall hung (includes fittings)
Milkman Friendly version with shelf
This has a separate shelf for empties which allows your delivery person to place milk bottles into your Milksafe in one action.
Thermal liner – a high technology liner equal to 50mm thick polystyrene, that’s easily removed to wipe clean.
Dials - Milk & Eggs, Days of the week – use one of our handy milk dials to say what your requirements are, and on which day, without using paper and pen.
Order now from our secure online store which accepts most credit cards and takes cheque orders too.
Or by calling us direct (note: we may answer as www.extraglaze.co.uk, the parent business):
07961 441 833
When ordering by phone please specify:
1) Free-standing or Wall-hung/Milkman friendly
2) Bottles seen or hidden
3) Treated or untreated (treated strongly recommended)
4) Lock – yes or no
5) Plus any other special requirements* (e.g. thermal liner, other size, padlock hasp, etc)
Delivery in UK from around £11.50 dispatched within 28 working days (often 10 working days)
Enquiries for bulk priced orders welcomed!
*To price your very own Milksafe please use Order online in the menu at the top of this page, to make your selections then add a Milksafe to your online basket.